
学術論文(査読有り)  Refereed Papers



1Yoshikawa M, Ogawa H, Koganezawa M, Idani G (2022) Seasonal food changes and feeding behaviour adaptations of savanna chimpanzees at Nguye in Ugalla, Tanzania. Primates 63(6): 585601 Abstract

2Nishiumi I, Acharja I P, Tshering J, Yoshikawa M, Khandu P, Gajmer S, Waki T, Tenzin K, Shimano S (2021) Applying molecular sex identification methods to “Karma”, a black-necked crane (Grus nigricollis). Journal of Bhutan Ecological Society 4:18 PDF

3Yoshikawa M, Ogawa H (2019) Direct Observations of Savanna Chimpanzees in the Ugalla Area, Tanzania: Characteristics of Their Party Size and Composition. Primates research 35:8792 PDF

4Hamao S, Torikai H, Yoshikawa MYamamoto Y, Ijichi T (2020) Risk-taking behaviour of bull-headed shrikes that recently colonized islands. Current Zoology 67(2): 177182 PDF

5Yoshikawa M, Ogawa H (2015) Diet of savanna chimpanzees in the Ugalla area,Tanzania. African Study Monographs 36(3):189209 PDF

6Ogawa H, Yoshikawa M, Idani G (2014) Sleeping site selection by savanna chimpanzees in Ugalla, Tanzania. Primates 55:269282 PDF 

7Ogawa H, Yoshikawa M, Idani G (2013) The population and habitat preferences of chimpanzees in non-protected areas of Tanzania. Pan Africa News 20(1):1–5 PDF

8Ogawa H, Yoshikawa M, Mbalamwezi M (2011) A chimpanzee bed found at Tubila, 20km from Lilanshimba habitat. Pan Africa News 18(1):56 PDF

9Yoshikawa M, Ogawa H, Sakamaki T, Idani G (2008) Population density of chimpanzees in Tanzania. Pan Africa News 15(2):1720 PDF

10Tanaka M, Suzuki M, Kawana T, Segawa M, Yoshikawa M, Mori M, Kobayashi M, Nakai N, Saito T R (2005) Differential effects of sex steroid hormones on the expression of multiple first exons including a novel first exon of prolactin receptor gene in the rat liver. Journal of Molecular Endocrinology 34:667–673 PDF




Lindshield SHernandez-Aguilar RAKorstjens AH, Marchant LFNarat VNdiaye PIOgawa HPiel AK, Pruetz JD, Stewart FALeeuwen KLVWessling EGYoshikawa M (2021) Review article: Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) in Savanna Landscapes, Evolutionary Anthropology 30(6):399–420 PDF



1.濱尾章二, 山本裕, 鳥飼久裕, 伊地知告, 吉川翠 (2018) 自然移入した喜界島のモズ個体群の繁殖生態. Strix 34, 69–80   PDF

2濱尾章二, 杉田典正, 吉川翠, 小島みずき, 坂本大地, 延命信行, 西海功 (2017) 茨城県つくば市におけるシジュウカラ黒化変異個体の記録. 日本鳥学会誌 66:175–179 PDF 

3.吉川翠, 小川秀司, 小金澤正昭, 伊谷原一 (2012) タンザニアの乾燥疎開林地帯に生息するチンパンジー(Pan troglodytes)の泊り場選択. 霊長類研究 28(1):3–12 PDF


紀要,報告書,論文集など Other papers and/or publications

1吉川翠 (2017) タンザニアの疎開林地帯に生息するチンパンジーの調査FENICS (Fieldworker’s Experimental Network for Interdisciplinary Communications)メールマガジンVol.36, 2017725

2吉川翠 (2013) タンザニアの乾燥疎開林地帯に生息するチンパンジーの生態 Anthropological Letters, 2:2-3

3Plumptre AJ, Rose R, Nangendo G, Williamson EA, Didier K, Hart J, Mulindahabi F, Hicks C, Griffin B, Ogawa H, Nixon S, Pintea L, Vosper A, McLennan M, Amsini F, McNeilage A, Makana JR, Kanamori M, Hernandez A, Piel A, Stewart F, Moore J, Zamma K, Nakamura M, Kamenya S, Idani G, Sakamaki T, Yoshikawa M, Greer D, Tranquilli S, Beyers R, Hashimoto C, Furuichi T, Bennett E. Eastern (2010) Chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii): Status survey and conservation action plan 2010-2020. ISBN978-2-8317-1246-8. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland. 152 PDF

4吉川翠 (2009) 乾燥帯のチンパンジー~水と猛獣~ マハレ珍聞13

5.伊谷原一, 座馬耕一郎, 田代靖子, 吉川翠, 小川秀司, 久世濃子, 鈴木 , 金森朝子 (2009) 大型類人猿の分布と密度に関する研究, 環境省地球環境研究総合推進費研究成果報告書 (F-061大型類人猿の絶滅回避のための自然・社会環境に関する研究) 平成1820年度 環境省, 1–13

6.Kano, T., Idani, G. Ogawa, H., Asato, R., Kanamori, M. Massawe, E. T., Iwamoto, M., & Yoshikawa, M. Ecological study of wild chimpanzees in the savanna woodland. Final report of the savanna chimpanzee project (2008-169-ER-94-16) to Tanzania Commission for Science and Technology & Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute. 2009


国際会議における発表 Presentations in English

1.Yoshikawa M, Ogawa H, Koganezawa M, Idani G. Fruit phenology and foraging of herbaceous fruit by chimpanzees in savanna woodland of Nguye, Ugalla, Tanzania. International Primatological Society-Malaysian Primatological Society Joint Meeting, Malaysia, 19-25 th August 2023

2Yoshikawa M, Bhumpakphan N, Sutummawong N. Hand preference of Assamese macaques during rice eating at Wat Tham Rod in Thailand. Animal Behavior Society Conference Virtual Meeting, Online, 24 th July 2023

3Yoshikawa M, Ogawa H. Which Chimpanzees Form Parties Together in Savanna Woodland? Animal Behavior Society Conference, Online conference, 28-30 th July 2022

4Yoshikawa M, Ogawa H. Party size and activities of savanna chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) in the Ugalla area, Tanzania, Animal Behavior Society Conference, Online conference, 3-6 th August, 2021

5Yoshikawa M, Ogawa H. Party size and activities of savanna chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) in the Ugalla area, Tanzania. Animal Behavior Society Conference, Online conference, 3-6 th August 2021

6Yoshikawa M, Ogawa H. Activity and types of vegetation used by chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) in savanna woodlands, western Tanzania. Conservation Latin America, Online conference, 9-13 th November 2020

7Yoshikawa M, Ogawa H. Characteristics of Food Items Consumed by Chimpanzees and Baboons in the Savanna Woodland of the Nguye Site, Ugalla Area, Tanzania. European Federation of Primatology meeting, Oxford University, England, 8-11th September 2019

8Yoshikawa M. Sleeping sites and Diet of Chimpanzees in the Savanna Woodland, Tanzania. The 2 nd Annual Symposium, Primatology and Wildlife Science, Kyouto University, Kyoto, Japan, 5-8th March 2015

9Yoshikawa M. The Present States of Chimpanzees in Ugalla and Other Non-Protected Areas, Tanzania. International symposium Wildlife Studies in Tanzania, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, 17th May 2012

10Yoshikawa M, Ogawa H, Koganezawa M, Idani G. Sleeping site selection by chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) in savanna woodland, western Tanzania. The joint congress of the 59th annual meeting of Ecological Society of Japan & the 5th east Asian Federation of Ecological Societies International Congress, Ryukoku University, Siga, Japan, 17-21th March 2012

11Yoshikawa M, Ogawa H, Koganezawa M, Idani G. Habitat selection by chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) in savanna woodland, western Tanzania. The 23th Congress of the International Primatological Society. Primate Research, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, 12-18 th September 2010



国内学会・シンポジウム等における発表   Presentations in Japanese

1.小川秀司,Shailenra Sharma吉川翠Laxman Khanal:イヌとサルは犬猿の仲か:ネパールの寺院に住む野良イヌとアカゲザルの社会関係,第42回日本動物行動学会大会.京都,京都大学,2023.11.3-5.

2吉川翠Bhumpakphan NarisSutummawong Nantida,小川秀司,Mukesh K. Chalise:タイとネパールに生息するアッサムモンキーの高い樹上性について.第39回日本霊長類学会大会,兵庫県,神戸,2023.7.7-9.



5.濱尾章二, 鳥飼久裕吉川翠山本裕, 伊地知告:南西諸島に新規個体群を確立したモズの臆病

 な個性 第38回日本動物行動学会大会, 大阪市立大学, 2019.11.22-24.


7.濱尾章,吉川 翠,山本 裕,鳥飼久裕,伊地知告:開拓者は臆病者:島に自然移入したモズの個性.第65回日本生態学会大会,北海道,札幌コンベンションセンター,2018.3.14-18.

8.濱尾章二, 山本 裕, 鳥飼久裕, 伊地知告, 吉川翠:自然移入した喜界島のモズ個体群の現状 日本鳥学会大会, 講演要旨集pp.140 茨城県筑波大学, 2017.9.15-18.

9吉川翠, 座馬耕一郎:野生チンパンジーの生息状況.マハレ50周年記念シンポジウム東京,東京大学,2015.9.19.

10吉川翠,小川秀司,小金澤正昭,伊谷原一:タンザニア西部ウガラ地域に生息するチンパンジーの泊まり場選択の季節変化.第31 回日本霊長類学会大会,京都,京都大学,2015.7.18-20.


12吉川翠,小川秀司,小金沢正昭,伊谷原一:自動撮影カメラを用いたチンパンジーとその採食競合者の調査.第15SAGA(Support for African /Asian Great Apes)シンポジウム,北海道,札幌市立大学・札幌市円山動物園,2012.11.17-18.

13吉川翠,小川秀司,小金沢正昭,伊谷原一:タンザニア疎開林地帯のチンパンジーの採食品目とその季節変化.第28回日本霊長類学会大会,愛知県椙山女学園大学, 2012.7.6-8.

14吉川翠,小川秀司,Kagoma E,伊谷原一:乾燥疎開林のチンパンジーの死体の発見報告.第14SAGA(Support for African /Asian Great Apes)シンポジウム,熊本県,熊本市動物園,2011.11.12-13.

15吉川翠,小川秀司,坂巻哲也,伊谷原一:疎開林地帯に生息するチンパンジーの泊り場の植生と地形. 27回日本霊長類学会大会,愛知県犬山,2011.7.16-18.

16吉川翠,小川秀司,金澤正昭,Mbalamwezi M,伊谷原一:リランシンバの北20kmのトゥビラで発見されたチンパンジーのベッド.第13SAGA(Support for African /Asian Great Apes)シンポジウム,神奈川県,麻布大学・よこはま動物園ズーラシア,2010.11.13-14.


18.座馬耕一郎,石田有希,楠木希代,洲鎌圭子,田代靖子,難波妙子,平田聡,藤田心,不破紅樹,吉川翠:チンパンジーの寝相と寝返り・予報.第12SAGA(Support for African /Asian Great Apes)シンポジウム,福岡県,北九州市立大学,2009.11.14-15.




1.濱尾章二,山本 裕,鳥飼久裕,伊地知告,吉川翠:自然移入した喜界島のモズ個体群の消長と基礎的生態.第23回自然保護助成基⾦成果発表会,東京,2017.11.25.

2吉川翠:タンザニアの疎開林地帯に生息するチンパンジーの食性と泊まり場.特別セミナー,茨城,国立科学博物館 2017.1.6.



5吉川翠:疎開林地帯のチンパンジー(Pan troglodytes)の泊り場.とちぎ野生動物研究交流会,栃木県,栃木県庁,2012.3.7.


Copyright © Midori Yoshikawa, All rights reserved